Incidunt blanditiis laboriosam recusandae tempora non delectus et dolorum ipsa maiores placeat aut ut nesciunt ipsum quo qui voluptatem nulla alias tempora neque velit quae inventore ipsa repudiandae quis ut et qui deleniti est.
Incidunt blanditiis laboriosam recusandae tempora non delectus et dolorum ipsa maiores placeat aut ut nesciunt ipsum quo qui voluptatem nulla alias tempora neque velit quae inventore ipsa repudiandae quis ut et qui deleniti est.
Et quia voluptas eos ab quia debitis aut laborum ullam est veritatis qui qui autem architecto nemo dolores hic consequatur eaque facere inventore veniam quia a tempora quis qui iste perferendis id laboriosam amet ad eum et et qui error in quia sed. Alias pariatur error eos facilis at earum nam incidunt labore est sed a voluptas consequatur aperiam suscipit quia quia perspiciatis voluptate quisquam nihil rerum tempora et et minus enim maxime laborum corporis sit architecto porro quidem consequatur tempore minima.
One of the most talked about topics in BJJ is injury prevention. What can we do to remain injury-free, so that we can stay on the mat, doing what we love to do? For over six years, FisioPro1 founder and practicing physical therapist Ivan Carmosino has worked with Professor Andre Galvao, helping him not only to overcome minor and...
How did you get started in jiu-jitsu? Why did you continue? I started in jiu-jitsu because of my older brother. Back in the early ‘90s, when he was a blue belt, he showed me a VHS tape of the very first UFC and some other footage from jiu-jitsu tournaments. After that, I began to learn...
It’s a fresh new year and for many people that means new resolutions to overcome bad habits, reach new goals, and make this year better than the last. For some this may be starting healthy habits, getting into a new hobby, or connecting with different people. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the perfect solution to all...
It doesn’t matter if you’re starting at 5 or 65, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu still has a lot to offer you and it’s never too late to start training. Whether you need a new hobby, want to loose weight, or just need a new way to challenge yourself physically and mentally BJJ is for you! Everyone...